Oxendale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

8:00AM - 5:00PM

7:30AM - 5:30PM

7:30AM - 5:30PM

Aug 6, 2021

5 Benefits of Getting Routine Transmission Service at Your Chrysler Dealership in CottonwoodThe transmission is an extremely important vehicle component that consists of many parts that work together to move the power from the engine to the wheels. For your car to operate, the transmission must be in good working order. To ensure that your vehicle performs optimally and lasts longer, an expert transmission service from a qualified technician at your Chrysler dealership in Flagstaff, AZ is vital.

1. Ensures Fuel Economy

If you consider today’s gas prices, it is good to know that servicing your transmission and ensuring it’s in good working condition will improve your vehicle’s fuel economy. To save money on gas, a qualified technician must regularly inspect your vehicle’s transmission and replace the transmission fluid.

When the transmission is in good working order, there is less strain on the parts. It will also ensure that your engine performs better. A smooth-running engine will use less oil which will save you money on gas.

2. Saves Money on Repairs

Servicing your transmission at regular intervals will prevent future problems. Transmissions are made up of lots of moving parts and are expensive to repair and replace. If you wait too long, then when you do experience problems the damage can lead to costly repairs and replacements. If a qualified technician regularly inspects your vehicle’s transmission, minor issues will be detected early and fixed before they change into expensive problems later on down the road.

3. Reduces Wear and Tear

Regular transmission fluid replacements will ensure that the moving parts are well lubricated to reduce friction that causes heat and wear. If you don’t replace the transmission fluid at regular intervals, it will degrade over time, becomes dirty, and become contaminated with particles from the clutch material and metal shavings.

This contaminated transmission fluid will not be able to perform the task of cooling and lubrication and cause wear. It will also affect the performance of the engine and other vehicle systems.

4. Improves Gear Function

Regular transmission fluid replacements are crucial for improved gear function. When the old and dirty transmission fluid overheats, it becomes thick and sludgy and clogs the transmission gears. When this happens, it will make it hard to shift gears. Regular transmission fluid replacements will ensure that the parts are well lubricated and moving smoothly to ensure overall vehicle performance.

5. Prolong the Life of Your Vehicle

After your technician serviced the transmission, you will notice that your vehicle performs better. The reason for this is that servicing a transmission is so much more than just replacing the transmission fluid. A thorough inspection of every transmission component will be performed.

The technician will check the condition of the seals and also look for leaks. Servicing your transmission at regular intervals will also affect your vehicle’s engine performance. A well-lubricated engine will perform optimally.

Servicing your transmission at regular intervals will ensure fuel efficiency, overall performance and save you money on expensive repairs and replacements down the road. Contact Oxendale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram today for a service. Our qualified technicians will perform a thorough transmission inspection and transmission fluid replacement to ensure that your vehicle performs at its best.