Oxendale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

8:00AM - 5:00PM

7:30AM - 5:30PM

7:30AM - 5:30PM

Jan 22, 2024
How Often Does Your CDJR Vehicle Get an Oil Change?

At Oxendale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, we believe getting your car oil changes at the right intervals is of the utmost importance. Oil changes keep your vehicle’s engine healthy, and they should be one of your biggest priorities when it comes to routine maintenance. How often should you get an oil change at your Chrysler dealer, though? The answer is that it depends on these factors:

Oil Change Manufacturer Recommendations

According to conventional wisdom, you should take your CDJR vehicle in for an oil change every 3,000 miles or every three months. This is outdated advice for many modern cars, though. Many can go between 4,500 and a whopping 8,000 miles and up to six months between changes, but it all depends on the specific make, model, and year. Check the specific manufacturer recommendations for your car in your owner’s manual.

Your Driving Habits

Driving conditions like frequent long-distance travel or infrequent car use can both cause you to need to get oil changes more often. If you travel on salty or wet roads pretty often, this can be a factor that causes the need for more frequent oil changes. And if you live somewhere that gets especially cold in the winter or rather hot in the summer, you may need to change your car’s oil more often.

Extreme driving conditions may require you to get your oil changed around every 3,000 miles, even if the recommendation for your car is higher. Keep in mind that owner’s manual recommendations are based on average driving habits.

The Age of Your Car

Sometimes the age of your car can influence how often you can get its oil changed, with some older cars needing more frequent changes. This isn’t always the case, though. We do recommend high mileage oil for older cars and talking to one of our service technicians about whether the age and condition of your car may affect how often you should get its oil changed.

Chrysler Dealer Service Suggestions

As you’ve probably noticed, there are a lot of factors for you to consider when figuring out how often to change your vehicle’s oil. When in doubt, consult with the experts at our service center to figure out what’s best for your particular car. They’re pros at assessing all the factors that come into play and helping you come up with a routine maintenance plan for your unique vehicle.

Schedule your next routine maintenance visit at Oxendale Chrysler Doge Jeep Ram today! If in doubt about when to get your next oil change, don’t hesitate to contact us. When you trust us to change your car’s oil at recommended intervals, you do your car’s engine a world of good!